
Monday 30 January 2012

Our Topic

Our topic this term is 'Defend and attack!'
 This term we are learning about the battle of Hastings in 1066 and the Bayeux tapestry. The four candidates that were fighting for the throne, were: Harold Godwinson, William La Batard, Harald Hardrada and Edgar the Atheling. They were all fierce except Edgar who was a sick teenager and didn't have ruling experience. However, Hardrada and William were foreign and wouldn't mix well with the British townsfolk. 
In history we wrote a newspaper report on the  battle of Hastings and pretended to play the battle scene. We then did an explanation piece of writing of the characters. We have spent a lot of time learning about the Normans,Vikings and Saxons, we have done research on the computers and found infomation in books. We have learned a lot from the Normans and the Saxons. The Normans won the battle of Hastings and ruled England for a short amount of time.
By Joe and Alex :-] . . .

Friday 27 January 2012

100 word challenge

 Our first 100 word challenge.  We didn't use the five word prompt but here goes....

By Tess

"Help!"someone cried. I looked around. Suddenly I looked up. There was somebody strapped to the point of the Eiffel tower. I didn't know what to do. Should I climb up? I soon realised that was a bad idea. There was a man up there. He was probably the man who had strapped the woman -I'm guessing- to the tower. Just then an ear-percing scream filled the air. The woman was being held to the tower by a strap, and that strap was being cut! It was over. Gone. But somebody caught her, her life was saved. Not gone.

The mighty Eiffel Tower
By Chloe

On the third of January I went to France and saw the Eiffel Tower. I took two photos. Me and my family went on a long walk which is how we found the mighty Eiffel Tower, we stared at it for about fifteen minutes and couldn't beleave what was infront of our eyes. This big silver metal Tower that was infront of me was surrounded by people holding cameras and gasping. Its shiny powers bounced straight back in my eyes. The sun glazed down and made it look like it had been polished a hundred times by a tidle wave.

100 word challenge

Thursday 26 January 2012

We are currently working on our new blog.  We are very excited about this and will be posting all of our news, things about our learning and our thoughts in general.  We will also be asking YOU what you think from time to time. We can't wait to read any of the comments you might like to post to us. Be prepared for a lot of amazing things coming your way. 
Keep checking in with us to find out more.

Wednesday 11 January 2012


Welcome to the Maple Class blog!