SATs revision

A fun interactive game from the BBC Website called Questionauts.

Have a go on TutPup. Don't forget the login password and name (in your planners!)

Woodlands MathsZone is an interesting site with a wide variety of maths games.

Maths Boot Camp focuses on real Year 6 SATs questions.

Bitesize is a useful maths resource by the BBC - its also where Questionaut (above) comes from!

         St. Joseph's RC Primary School's website has useful Past SATs papers which can be printed out. 

Gut Instinct is another game from the BBC combining English, Maths and Science.

Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Prawnsandhummus28 April 2012 at 19:26

    Great work Jack! It was really helpful for you to put up these useful maths games; I got 72 in gut instinct!
