Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Jay's 100 Word Challenge Week 28

The Night Zookeeper
A Griller wolf is a big creature about half the size as a fully grown man. The Griller wolf has the body of a Griller, and the teeth and claws of a wolf only twice as big.  It’s teeth are green and glowing. The fur is the blackest black with a lot of it sticking up like it has been shocked. This a strange species from outer space. It also has no eyes so it hunts by it’s sense of smell, (beware the creature is highly venomous and one bite can kill you with in one hour our two hours).


  1. Hello Jay, I really enjoyed reading your 100WC entry! Your adjectives used to describe your creature get the reader thinking about what a griller wolf really looks like. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Jay
    really good 100 wc keep up the good work.

  3. Well done Jay. It is so nice to see your work on our blog. You have used some super vocabulary in your 100WC such as 'species' and 'venomous' Well done. Keep up the good work and I would love to see more from you on here.
    Mrs P

  4. I really like your 100 word challenge Jay. I like the sentence where it says the fur is the blackest black with a lot of it sticking up like in has been shocked. Well done
